Editing for Pharmaceutical Print and Digital Marketing. Click images below to view websites.


Healthcare provider and patient websites for the Climara Pro® contraceptive patch. I edited all copy for both websites, and provided feedback on layout graphics, placement and organization of copy, and use of brand colors. Content includes dosing, efficacy, chemical composition, savings opportunities for patients, patch application, and hypothetical patient profiles.

for Patients

Climara pro

for Health Care Providers

Climara Pro



This unbranded website was created to educate women of menopausal and postmenopausal age about vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes) and their risk of developing osteoporosis after menopause. Without mentioning Climara Pro® by name, the website provides a means of leading to the product website as a potential solution for alleviating hot flashes and preventing osteoporosis. As with the branded websites, I edited all copy on the website from the manuscript to final launch of the website, and provided feedback on layout graphics, placement and organization of copy, and use of brand colors.


Climara Unbranded Site



Healthcare and consumer websites for the Natazia® contraceptive pill. I edited all copy for both websites, and provided feedback on layout graphics, placement and organization of copy, and use of brand colors. Content includes dosing, efficacy, chemical composition, savings opportunities for patients, and hypothetical patient profiles.

The consumer website also includes a patient video, which educates patients about the causes of heavy menstrual bleeding, available tests, and posits Natazia® as a potential solution for lessening symptoms of heavy menstrual bleeding. I edited the script for this video and provided feedback on visual elements, such as stock video footage and iconography. I also reviewed the voiceover recording prior to the live launch of the website.

For Patients


for Health Care Providers




This unbranded website was created to educate women about heavy menstrual bleeding and ways to test for the condition. Without mentioning Natazia® by name, the website posits Natazia® as a potential solution for alleviating symptoms of heavy menstrual bleeding. As with the branded websites, I edited all copy on the website from the manuscript to final launch of the website, and provided feedback on layout graphics, placement and organization of copy, and use of brand colors.


Natazia Unbranded Website